Monday, July 2, 2007

Pain- Relieving Aromatherapy Breast Compress

2 teaspoons chamomile flowers
2 teaspoons calendula flowers
2 teaspoons yarrow flowers
1 1/2 cups water
10 drops lavender essential oil
2 washcloths
hot water bottle

Pour boiling water over herbs, cover, and steep for 10 minutes. Strain, and add lavender essential oil. Dip washcloth into hot herbal solution, wring out slightly, and place over the breast. Cover with a dry towel and a hot water bottle to retain heat and leave. in place for 3 minutes. Remove washcloth and replace with a second washcloth that has been dipped in cold water. Leave cold washcloth on breast for one minute, and immedi­ately fallow with the hot washcloth that has again been dipped into the hot herbal solution. Reheat the herbal solution if neces­sary. Repeat cycle 3 times, ending with the cold washcloth.
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